Saturday, May 28, 2011


Is it possible that 2+2 = 5 could be true if everyone thinks it is? Who even said that 2+2 = 4? Is this some inherent property of the universe? Even if it is "true", why should it matter to humanity?

George Orwell thought so and, for some sad reason, I'm starting to think so too. Once again, I think this mentality is just another depressing truth I've discovered as I move along this tread mill of life.

For those not familiar with the particular scene in 1984, it's when O Brien informs Winston that the fundamental truth of the universes all depend on what the Party says. 2+2 = 5 if the Party wills it. Objects don't fall to the earth because of gravity, they fall because the Party wants them too. Of course, at first, Winston thinks this is absurd. But slowly, he comes to realize that when only you believe something to be true you begin to doubt the sanity of your own thoughts - despite how outlandish the thoughts of the masses might seem.

I have found myself in similar situations many times, but none of them are more profound than when it comes to memories. I pride myself on having what I consider to be quite an astute memory, I tend to be able to recall minor details and generate powerful recollections if I really think about it. The point, recently, I was creeping someone from my past on my facebook and all of a sudden all these memories suddenly started coming back to me. And the thing is, they probably seem trivial to anyone but me. I doubt the person in question even remembers the events that transpired. So that leaves me with the question - should it even be called real?

The logical response is, "Well of course, it did happen after all" but the more practical point of view is that perhaps sadly, those memories only exist in my mind now. What if that information really exists no one else but in my head now? Only existing in some complicated set of synaptic connections and even that might fade away in time. And that information might be lost forever. It's something that scares me a lot, to be honest. I think I have a big problem with things just disappearing without me knowing.

Are we constantly losing parts of who we used to be? And parts of who we are? Or are they just hidden beneath the surface? Anyway, I digress. The point is that, what if no one else even remembers but me? I might as well have made up a story in my head about that person and called it the "truth". In fact, what if the time comes when I can't even distinguish between what memories are real and perhaps the little additions I've subconsciously made to my memories to make things seem better? Maybe that's already happened to me.

The point is, does it even matter if you remember the truth or not? If no one is around to verify or remember it with you? It's like that old saying about a tree falling in the woods. But I believe that it is important to remember the truth. But maybe it's just too hard if no one else is there to believe with you. Maybe if everyone else believes that 2+2 = 5 then that's simply enough for it to be true. Of course, I do think that using scientific examples is a bad idea, since perhaps they can be proven empirically. But what about memories? No one can verify that the memories I still hold in my mind are accurate, because memories aren't something that can be "proven" like a mathematical proof or what not.

I think the point I want to get across to myself is that as I get older, I feel scared that everyone else will simply "forget" old memories of the past that seem important to me. And then, will I really be able to call them anything? I just wish sometimes that humans were more like computers, with reliable space where information can be stored. Instead, we're left not only knowing where information is stored but relying on others to validate that information. I guess the bottom line is that I shouldn't need others remembering to validate what I supposedly know to be true. But...memories just don't seem as special if no one is around to remember the things that you do. Then you just feel crazy.

1 comment:

  1. yea I feel the exact same way. many memories are only the ones I remember because in them exist something significant to me, but maybe not others. but I guess this is the same to many people too. its not like we remember every memory that someone else remembers because they are not as significant to us.

    I almost have no recollection of my years in elementary school except the feelings associated with an image that I can recall and people. To me thats enough i guess.

    I think we should all carry cameras and just take random pictures. It might seem wierd now, but in the future it will be the only concrete evidence of that moment, and will probably help us remember. Memories make who we are and we should have a record so when were old and lose our memories, we still have some evidence of our previous existence. but does it matter at that point? I dunno, I guess I just dont want to lose memories. Its like you know you forgot something but you cant figure out what you forget, that feeling just sucks.
