Saturday, June 2, 2012


I know I haven't been blogging in a while. In fact, I feel rather guilty about it. Lately, I've been playing D3, going to work, exercising, reading and doing some thinking. But I realize I do miss blogging. Now that my honeymoon phase with D3 is over (totally stole that phrase from someone lol...), hopefully my life can get back to a (somewhat) normal routine.

Anyway, today was one of those days I really liked. The kind of day where I sleep in, do some quiet reading, go for a walk, play some video games and just...chill. I like these kind of days because they don't have any plan. Nothing /needs/ to be done and I have some free time to myself to do whatever I want. Of course, it's a slippery slope which can lead me to descend into boredom and apathy. So, while days like these are a welcome break once in a while, they can definetly turn poisonous quickly.

Anyway, I was also reading this post about things you should do when you are 20. I agreed with most of the points, some I didn't care about, but there was one in particular that kind of irked me - a point  suggestion about how we should all be traveling and seeing new places. Honestly, I feel like a great deal of people think its "cool" or "important" to travel and see (or maybe experience, in special circumstances) different cultures and places on earth. Now, I wouldn't say I'm the adventurous type though I do hope to take a few trips this summer - just to have fun and not so much for exploration sake. But I just feel in society people are so concerned about physical, tangible, and material things. Not even just possessions but just with regard to wanting to travel or "get away" to see new locations.

I feel that people are overlooking the fact that first of all, natural beauty can be found almost anywhere. You don't need to go to some exotic location. Just going for a simple walk at night or in the evening, just observing all the things in the environment around you that you never cared to notice can really be beautiful sometimes. The same goes for people - people are complex and have depth to them. Maybe that roommate who's all quiet and ne, ver talks is actually one of the most philosophical guys you've ever met and has some great ideas to share. Also, while one could argue that going to a foreign location and seeing new cultures is quite the experience...I don't think it means much if you don't truly have an open mind to new ideas and concepts. There is no point just sitting on the sidelines and watching - if you are going then you might as well embrace and immerse yourself in a different culture, which I don't believe happens as much as it should. Lastly, in my opinion, there are "bigger" ideas out their to be embraced - religion, philosophy and love just to name a few. Though, perhaps traveling would allow one to have new experiences and better tackle these "bigger" issues.

Ultimately, I think what people really need is to learn more about ideas, and knowledge. To do more reading and thinking, before they act. Why does it seem like the great majority of society is always in such a hurry to escape their lives and run away to some other place? There is happiness to be found everywhere - especially in the mind and at home. Maybe, we don't have to look as far as we think we do.

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