Sunday, January 17, 2021

2020 In Review: Goals for 2021

Ah, so the final piece in the new years reflection trilogy. Honestly, I'm kind of hesitant to have any goals at all since 2020 was so unexpected. I am hoping that things will be relatively normal by the second half of 2021 one though so we'll see.

1.) Consistent Sleep Schedule

Sleep consistently for 7-8 hours no matter where you are. Wake up around 10am.

2.) Finish HS Story, start working on T&T origin story

The HS story has been hanging over my head for a while and something I've been mentioning in many posts. It's time to finally wrap it up and get that monkey off my back so I can move on.

3.) More Dating / Form New Relationships

Figure out what's going on with M and if COVID gets better than try to meet new people. I guess the lack of Dez in my life has opened up the door to form stronger friendships with people. I can't say I don't miss her but maybe it's for the best. It's just difficult when something/someone you put a lot of time into doesn't seem to amount of anything - nonetheless, I would always be happy to hear that she's doing well in the future.

4.) Investigate new jobs / finish school

Definitely getting bored at work but also want to just coast for a while and collect that steady paycheck. But in the meantime, I want to keep learning and sharpening my skills especially with regards to some new technologies.

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