Saturday, January 2, 2021

2020 In Review: May You Live In Interesting Times. Part II: Reflections on Past Year / Did I Meet my Goals?

 So, in the last post I gave a summary of what happened during 2020. The next part of the post is about reflecting on whether I met the goals I set out for at the start of the year and what I want to accomplish this year.

When reading my initial posts for 2020, it seems like my goal was to be more productive. Specifically, to not just feel like I was wasting my spare time but rather using it efficiently to learn new skills or produce new content (such as writing). Let's kind of go over what I accomplished.

Fitness - healthy sleep schedule / be more fit

Honestly, this is probably a 1/5 but I think I'm justified in blaming it on the pandemic. Before the shutdown I was actually going to the gym regularly again and feeling healthy overall. But coming back home and the closing of the Y made both my sleep and fitness schedule get pretty messed up. I do try to workout at home but it's more to just maintain my health, I doubt I'm making any big strides. Anyway, I'm probably fine with this given the circumstances.

Health Issues

There's still good days and bad days with the ?? . I think I've had more good days than bad days (at least moreso than 2019) and got some more tests done which is comforting in the sense that I really did something. Not too much to say here since the introduction of COVID basically put all non-urgent health investigations on hold.

Spiritual Health - mediating etc.

Didn't really get around to doing this. I would also lump this into the "fitness/health" bundle which got destabilized during the pandemic. But focusing on being more mindful and learning how to deal with stress is definitely something I want to improve in 2021.

Creative Hobbies - Writing etc.

Probably the biggest highlight here was that I did hit some of my creative goals this year. I finished up the Toronto story and shared it with folks and got feedback along with the Kayvon story. I also made some progress on the HS story which has been hanging over my head for a while and did some more reading/writing. Overall, I think I'm pretty happy with how my creative hobbies turned out.

Dating / Relationships

As I've mentioned before, the introduction of COVID basically put everything into stasis. I wasn't really expecting to form any new relationships/friendships once the lockdown started but yet I actually was pretty active and started dating(?) M. So I would say I've exceeded expectations in this area too though I'm not sure where it will go.


Another sentiment I noticed from reading past posts is that I didn't really expect many changes this year. This was mainly due to the fact that I had to wait for my ?? which required me to keep my job. I seemed hopeful that I would be able to improve other aspects of my life - such as fitness/dating/hobbies etc and,  I think given the circumstances, I did pretty well. However, the door of possibilities seems quite open for 2021 - let's talk about that in the next post.

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